Schoolgateway is a system that will enable you to see valuable information about your child at any time, either online or on a smartphone. We can send letters/reports by email and short messages by text or in the case of smartphones, by an App message
Click here for a Brief Introduction Video
The Schoolgateway will enable you to:
- Keep up to date with the latest information about your children.
- Receive letters more reliably and promptly.
- See letters/information in your inbox like any other email.
- Get a short text or App message if we need to contact you urgently.
- Still get paper letters if you don’t have email.
- No need to rely on your child for delivery.
- Be able to reply by email, text or App message, and be able to send us any reasons for absence via text, email or App message.
- View achievement, behavior and attendance information about your child.
- Check and update your contact details.
- Request for more than 1 parent/carer to be on the notification list.
We are keen for parents to benefit from this improved service by either registering online or downloading the Schoolgateway App.
Follow our easy setup guide to get the most use out of our new Schoolgateway.
Schoolgateway is registered with the Data Protection Act, and all information you provide will be kept private and not passed to any other organisations. Your details will only be used for the purpose of the school business, and you will not receive any spam or marketing material.
Use the following links to download the app via your devices Appstore