“Liturgy is like a strong tree whose beauty is derived from the continuous renewal of its leaves, but whose strength comes from the old trunk, with solid roots in the ground. I like the ritual, the liturgy of a well-crafted, emotional fashion show. I will never be jaded with this side of fashion.”

Pope Paul VI

As a Catholic community we follow the Liturgical calendar (see below). Our school community is entwined with the Churches year, following the seasons and the Gospels as they are found in Mass.

Every week, on a Thursday morning our Priest Chaplain, Father Daniel Stanton meets with our Pupils and Celebrates Mass for all those who wish to attend. The impact of weekly mass is great for our pupils. Many who attend are not Catholic.

Check out the gallery below, the testimonies of our pupils and the upcoming information for our liturgical year.

Liturgical Life

Click here to view an Overview of our Liturgical Celebrations at St Alban’s RC High School.


Mass is the heartbeat of Catholic Life as St Alban’s. Father Daniel, our Priest Chaplain and other members of our local Clergy attend St Alban’s every Thursday to celebrate voluntary Mass in our Chapel. As of the Spring Term we have had to create a Voluntary Mass Rota due to the high numbers attending weekly.

Each term we celebrate Mass as a Year group which is supported by Youth Ethos Team and the School Choir. If you would like to attend a Year group Mass and support the community please contact the School Reception to get booked in. 



Flame 2023 

St Alban’s joined the Catholic Community this year and thirty pupils attended the Flame Congress on March 4th 2023 in Wembley (the highest representation of any school from South Wales). The pupils enjoyed being present with the wider Catholic community of England and Wales.


1-1-1 Challenge 2024

Our community have decided to take on the 1-1-1  challenge this lent. This will allow us to join the international Catholic community in ensuring that we can truly participate this lent. During Lent we will prepare and acknowledge the sacrifice Christ made for us and attempt to give up one thing, to pick up one thing and acknowledge one of our down fallings.


Youth Alpha Course 2024

As of January 2024 our community will be running the Youth Alpha course to allow our KS4 pupils and staff to explore their Christian roots and their relationship with The Father. If your child is interested we will be sending out application forms in December 2023.


CAFOD 2023/24

September 2023 will see a new drive, led by the Youth Outreach Team, to raise money for the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development. We ask for the support of our whole community in raising money for communities across the world which are less fortunate than us.


Interactive Advent Calendar 2023

Our pupils have begun filming for the interactive advent calendar 2023, which will set our pupils a daily task as we wait for the birth of Christ. These tasks will vary from moments of reflection and meditation to physical acts and good deeds. This will aid our pupils in preparing for Christmas.


‘Walk with Christ’ Station of the Cross Experience 2024

Lent 2024 will introduce an experience created by our pupils for our pupils. The Drama department will support as our Youth Ethos Team will walk each year group through the Station of the Cross. This will allow the community of St Alban’s to put themselves in the footsteps of the passion and reflect on the sacrifice made by one man.


Retreats 2024

Year 7 – Year 10 will be attending retreats at St Cassian’s Centre. For more information visit our Retreat page.


Mission Days 2023/24

Our Youth Ethos Team have worked exceptionally hard over the last year in preparing for the 2023/24 Mission Days. These will be led solely by St Alban’s pupils (supported by our Chaplain) and will allow an authentic peer ministry experience to take place for all year groups. At St Alban’s we understand that there is no greater way of spreading the Gospel than from one friend to another.


Transition Missions 2023/24

Our Youth Ethos Team acknowledge how difficult it is to transition from Year 6 to Year 7. Therefor they have created two day missions to each of our feeder primary schools which focuses on allowing the Year 6 pupils to spiritually and emotionally prepare for life at St Alban’s.