Mental Health Awareness Week 15th – 21st May 2023
Anxiety is a normal emotion in us all, but sometimes it can get out of control & become a mental health problem. Lots of things can lead to feelings of anxiety, including exam pressures. We pray for all pupils starting their exams today to have wisdom &...
Panteg Cricket Club – Looking For New Players!
Chartwells – Spice Hut Menu – May 25th 2023
Wizard of Oz 14th – 16th February 2023
We're off to see the wizard! This beloved tale, in which a Kansas farm girl travels over the rainbow to discover the magical power of home, has entertained audiences for generations. To purchase tickets scan the QR Code on the poster or click...
Torfaen Strength & Conditioning Camp
Torfaen Foster Care
Torfaen are looking to recruit many more foster families in order to meet the demand within the borough and to be able to match foster families to the needs of the child or young person. If you think you have what it takes to become a foster carer, please contact the...
Torfaen Food & Drink Festival Saturday 28th May
Cwmbran Big Event Saturday 11th June 2022
Visit the Cwmbran Community Council website for all the details: http://www.cwmbran.gov.uk/cwmbran-big-event-11-june-2022