Assembly Thursday 21/6/17


There is assembly tomorrow  Thursday 21/6/17 – we need to start at 8.40 because the nominees for Head Boy and Head Girl will be making a presentation during assembly . So please be in the hall by 8. 40


Nominees please can you meet me in the hall at 8.30 so I can organise the order for presentations


Voting will then start at break time and finish at 3pm on Friday




There is rolling tutorial Friday lesson 1 (tomorrow 9/6/17)– if you need access to computers there should be spare places in the Y12 Form rooms




  • Your form tutor should still be in reg in the morning if you wish to attend, although as of this half term it is no longer compulsory.
  • BTEC lessons should be continuing as normal until the member of staff confirms that you have finished and no longer need to attend . Please make sure you are in all lessons unless on study leave for an exam – if you are going to be absent please make sure your BTEC teacher knows. Only when the member of staff says that everything has been completed can you stop going to lessons.  No one should be missing lessons and working at home unless they have been given permission by the member of staff
  • A Level lessons –these should be continuing until your exam –check details with your subject teachers . Please remember any problems in the exam make sure you speak to the invigilator straight away, if they cannot solve the issue ask them to send for a member of staff. Do not sit there unhappy with a problem.
  • BTEC/WELSH BAC –moderation and extra sample work can be asked for either Welsh Bac or BTEC subjects  right up to the end of term in July ,so please make sure that you respond promptly if a member of staff is asking to see you.


  1. Please check the emails I have sent this week with details of events etc for the remainder of this term and details of the changes to the school day next week, due to exams . Please can you make sure your friends/peers who are on study leave have read the details as well
  2. Ball –you need to decide on the table allocation . Attached is a form to fill in for those on your table . You need to discuss with your friends AND SOMEONE IN THE GROUP TAKE RESPONSIBILITY to fill in the form and return it to Jayne in the office ASAP. A timetable for the event will be issued after the exams – there will be a photographer at the event . Details of the cost and how to order photos TBC
  3. Leavers Celebration Monday 3rd July  – a timetable for the day will be emailed later this month. Events will start @9.15 and include mass, year photograph, assembly and coffee and cake. It will finish @12.30ish. The Assembly is your celebration and is put together by the Head Boys and Girls –if you have any photos of events /activities from the last 2 years please can you pass on to them ASAP plus any other ideas ie music performance . The dress code for the day is black and white . Details of how to buy copies of the Year photo will be given out nearer the day
  4. EMA  will be paid until the end of term. For the weeks starting Monday 3rd July until last day of term you need to complete as study leave and then see me for them to be signed
  5. RESULTS DAY I have already completed an assembly to inform you of all the arrangements – I will also email reminders of these details after the exams and put on the school web site  


Any problems please come and see me – my timetable  is pinned up on my door.


Good Luck

Ms Margerison