The St Alban’s Youth Outreach Team (YOT) consists of our SVP representatives and volunteers ranging from all year groups who wish to turn the term YOT on its head.

Dedicated to work alongside our parishes, our feeder primary schools and local communities, the YOT are formed to make the world, God’s gift for us, a better place.

The term ‘stewardship’ is one they embrace. Please recommend that your child comes and joins the team, who meet every Wednesday Lunchtime to plan their next initiatives!

Have a look below to see the impact they are making so far!

“I really enjoy and look forward to the youth outreach club each week. The reason that I really enjoy youth outreach is because we can help the school and community, whilst having fun at school. Some of the things I really enjoy about youth outreach club is that I can suggest ideas about events that we could host at school or surrounding which positively impact the school and charities which are local. Some events that I am looking forward to at school include the school disco and the teachers vs students hide and seek.”

Sienna, Year 9