We have had 3 incidents during the last year where students or staff have been hit by vehicles in the vicinity of the school. As a result we would like to make improved arrangements for the arrival and departure of students from our site. No student, unless there is a medical reason and permission has been given by the school, should be dropped off inside the school gates. We request that all parents do not drive from the main road up the cobbled section past Sight Cymru and the Museum. We ask that all drop offs and pick-ups take place in other local/convenient places such as the multi storey car park or the leisure centre car park. We would advise against students crossing roads without using the safety crossings or taking great care and attention. Students must NOT be listening to music, making phone calls or be distracted in any other way whilst moving around the local area where there is traffic. RTA’s are the biggest single cause of premature death of 0-25 year olds in the UK and we do not want any of our students to become one of these tragedies. Please support and cooperate with these proposals and staff who will be trying to enforce this new safety campaign.